Model Railways
Track Plan
Originally we had plans to venture into N scale during 2002, eventually buying a Fleischmann 9326 Piccolo Starter Set late 2002/early 2003, along with further locos, carriages and wagons.
The N layout never materialised, after laying the track we decided to use it for a narrow gauge HOe/OO9 with our main OO layout as a pleasure park. ( See The Train Room Here: )
This basic 9mm gauge layout has been drawn up with two variations at the top, but it goes without saying that the track plan will almost certainly be amended, so it's not watch this space but watch this plan.
Additional Track 29/01/2015
2 double and also a single level crossing have been added, the gates etc. will be be put in place later on.
Final Plan 0702/2015
The layout now ready for fixing to its baseboard but I am still undecided what to do with the branch line at the back.
For those interested in such things the power to the track is underneath and will be hidden from view after ballasting. If you look closely at the 2 straights bottom left you will see the holes where the wires are. It was my preference to use two red leads for the inner track and two black for the outer track, as below.
The Decision 18/02/2015
I know that I said the previous plan was the final one but you know how it is, plans are always being changed.
The track is glued down ready for ballasting.
Published 20/02/2015
Continued Here:- March 2015