Model Railways
March & April 2016
Into March and I am still trying to decide what to do with the station & goods yard on the branch line.
I have looked at several ideas and I think that I may have decided.
These are the various variations that I have been toying with.
Top Left: Passenger station and goods yard with wide platforms, as at the end of February.
Top Right: Station and platforms removed to leave just a goods yard.
Bottom Left: Passenger station, with narrow platform and goods yard with wide platform.
Bottom Right: Passenger station with narrow platform, goods yard without platform
Out of these I still preferred the top left option.
I still wasn't sure so I came with these two.
The only difference is the ramp used in the goods yard, using a bit of modeller's licence I decided on the set up to the right.
If you look at the platform sections for the goods you will notice that I have cut one in half to make it fit, the piece that was left wasn't wasted I used it to make the ramp.
There is another slight change on the picture below, can you spot it.
There is plenty of room to develop the goods yard and so I think I will stick with this. Well up to now any way
Kit building is now more difficult for me, but I need buildings and so I have to get on with it.
The village is now taking shape, the cardboard cut out is only temporary while I am waiting for more kits.
Slowly developing I have decided to join the corner pub and double house unit kits into one, and the cardboard cut out has been replaced.
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