Model Railways
September & December 2016
Most railway modellers will ask is a layout ever finished, it seems that the answer is no. This layout still had a lot more to be done on it yet.
This selection of photographs brings us up to 31st December 2016.
I have added and changed various things since the last update in August
The promised canal with a lock has slowly been taking shape. The lock walls are resin and the gates white metal.
You may notice that there is a different cottage at the bottom left of this picture. This left me with a spare cottage, and so, what will I do with it?
Some close ups of the locks, in place but not yet fitted.
As with the lock gates, the boats are white metal kit and will eventually be made up, but not by me, I am well passed my best for doing anything like that now.
Into December, next:
I have finally started to work on the canal section, I am not sure yet if I will repaint the canal a different colour or not. For those that know anything about canals you will be aware that depending on which canal you are, the water colour varies.
The extension on the front of the layout will not be fixed permanently until the lock has been finished. It will however be worked on as a separate part of the layout.
The banks (sides) to the canal are now being worked on.
So what did I do with the spare cottage, next:
I decided to cut away some of the hills (in the framed section) and level the space for the spare cottage, as you can see in the following photographs.
I have also made a path from the cottage to the church through the church yard.
Typical workers leaving the rubble to block the roads.
Adding a thin layer of plaster to line the section that has been cut away.
The rubble has been cleared and a light painting added to the cliff face.
Now some scatter.
Almost done.
Back to the canal, next:
For the time being I am only working on the canal below the lock.
Banks added with a base level of 'scatter' the photographs are taken from different angles.
More scenic materials added.
The final photograph of 2016, but as you can see I still have plenty to do, to occupy myself with.
This set of photographs is up to date as at 31/12/2016.
Latest update HERE January 2017