Model Railways
N Scale Update Phase 2 - June 2019
After completing the church and churchyard update, I had decided that Phase 2 of my 2019 update would be mainly around the village gardens.
This is how I left them at the last update in February.
I decided again to build as much as I could as modules off the actual layout and then add to the layout for completion.
As you can see here I have removed the houses and stripped the baseboard
A trial base for the gardens
Testing for space.
Laying the roads....
but the footpaths are not yet fixed.
Back to the houses and gardens. The Back fences are added.
Now the front hedges, walls and fences. The gardens are also taking shape.
Different views around the houses.
A few more different angles of the houses and gardens.
Moving back to the layout.
The houses are placed loosely on the layout
Happy with modules they have been attached to the base board with double sided sticky tape.
The pavements are also attached but will need final modifications later.
The next few pictures of the village are again taken from different angles to show you around them.
Two overheads, highlighting in the second picture what could be the worlds smallest garden railway, with a garden pond in the garden backing onto it.
A few more pictures of the village.
The vicarage has acquired a garden swing made from paper clips.
The goods yard has finally had a gate fitted, after repeated warnings over health & safety and security issues .
Not quite the full layout from the front, followed by another selection taken from varying angles.
This completes the planned changes for my N layout, well at the moment anyway.
I am currently completely reorganising my garden setup. You can follow the progress of my garden railway plus other model railway items on our associate forum using the Model Railways and Gallery links below, my username for both is Lancastrian.
Published 30/06/2019